Monday, 2 March 2009

Human beings existed millions of years ago.

Michael Cremo interview:
One example from historical times is during the California Gold Rush days, miners were digging tunnels thousands of feet into the sides of mountains. Now, the rock in these mountains is over 10 million years old. When they were digging these tunnels, they were finding human skeletons, they were finding stone spear points, they were finding mortars and pestles—hundreds of them at dozens of locations. Now, all of these were gathered together and reported to the scientific world by J.D. Whitney, who was the State Geologist of California. And he published a massive book about them, by Harvard University. Harvard University was the publisher. Now, what happened to these artifacts? Why aren't they on display in museums? Why aren't our children taught about them in school? There was a very powerful anthropologist at the Smithsonian Institution named William H. Holmes, and he said to Whitney, "Dr. Whitney, if you have understood the theory of human evolution as we understand it today, you would have hesitated to announce your conclusion, namely that human beings existed millions of years ago, despite the imposing array of facts with which you were confronted." In others words, simply because the facts didn't fit the theory, the facts had to go, and so did Professor Whitney.